Learn to meet women in genuinely confident and high-quality ways, both in person and online. The presenter is the author of the book Gentlemen’s Guide to Flirting (available on Amazon.com). Episodes will have a mix of extra, or special case, flirting ideas and material that didn’t fit in the book, as well as topical content and illustrative examples that further illustrate key principles from the book. Consider the book your complete textbook. The content on this podcast and the associated Youtube channel is all free and is intended to expand upon the book, and give you even more practical examples. You’ll end up being like the Navy SEALs of flirting, so cool and professional, prepared, naturally confident and effective that you know you can handle any flirting, dating, or social situation to world class standards.

5 days ago
116 - Your Reputation
5 days ago
5 days ago
What opinion does your wife or girlfriend hold about you? What about your family, how do they perceive you? What is your standing among your friends? What about your neighbors and your community, how do they see you? Do these people respect you, do they hold you in high regard? Does it matter? In this episode, I want to talk about how I think about the importance of your personal reputation.
Background: Book's website: Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting (due for release on Amazon.com in early 2021 - https://gentlemensguidetoflirting.com/
Consider the book your complete textbook. The content on this channel and the podcast is all free and is intended to expand upon the book, and give you even more practical examples. You'll end up being like the Navy SEALs of flirting, so cool and professional, prepared, naturally confident and effective that you know you can handle any flirting, dating, or social situation to world class standards. There will be great supplemental and supporting material released on this channel at least once per week. The same material will be made available as the "Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting" podcast.
Join the conversation at these links, or comment below!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gentsguides
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gentsguides
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg2kbvrYHtbsWgcGOKtR5zA/

Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
115 - Knock Knock
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Knock Knock! Your dreams are achievable. Knock Knock! You can have that family you envision for yourself. Knock Knock! You can become the man you want to be. Knock Knock! You can be that leader, that ROCK, that your family and friends know they can rely on. Knock Knock! It does take a lot of work, there’s no magic shortcut here But, we have a process that gets you there. We have a process that helps you achieve that natural confidence that will draw women to you, and that EVERYONE will see in you, and admire about you, without you having to say a word. Knock Knock! Opportunity is calling, will you answer?
Background: Book's website: Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting (due for release on Amazon.com in early 2021 - https://gentlemensguidetoflirting.com/
Consider the book your complete textbook. The content on this channel and the podcast is all free and is intended to expand upon the book, and give you even more practical examples. You'll end up being like the Navy SEALs of flirting, so cool and professional, prepared, naturally confident and effective that you know you can handle any flirting, dating, or social situation to world class standards. There will be great supplemental and supporting material released on this channel at least once per week. The same material will be made available as the "Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting" podcast.
Join the conversation at these links, or comment below!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gentsguides
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gentsguides
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg2kbvrYHtbsWgcGOKtR5zA/

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
114 - Dealing with Pain
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
We all have to go through the pain and suffering that life throws at us. It is inevitable, something is going to go wrong from time to time, and you need to be able to navigate through those issues and come out on top. Maybe some of you are in a serious amount of pain now due to something that is going on? Whatever your situation, I’d like to talk about the mindset that we use in the book and how it might help, because I think it might be helpful for everyone.
Background: Book's website: Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting (due for release on Amazon.com in early 2021 - https://gentlemensguidetoflirting.com/
Consider the book your complete textbook. The content on this channel and the podcast is all free and is intended to expand upon the book, and give you even more practical examples. You'll end up being like the Navy SEALs of flirting, so cool and professional, prepared, naturally confident and effective that you know you can handle any flirting, dating, or social situation to world class standards. There will be great supplemental and supporting material released on this channel at least once per week. The same material will be made available as the "Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting" podcast.
Join the conversation at these links, or comment below!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gentsguides
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gentsguides
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg2kbvrYHtbsWgcGOKtR5zA/

Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
113 - Self-perception
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Tuesday Jan 14, 2025
Is there something holding you back from being the man that you want to be? Do you feel there is something stopping you from meeting and connecting with a great lady? Do you feel there is something preventing you from starting the family that you envision having? In this episode, we will talk about self-perception.
Background: Book's website: Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting (due for release on Amazon.com in early 2021 - https://gentlemensguidetoflirting.com/
Consider the book your complete textbook. The content on this channel and the podcast is all free and is intended to expand upon the book, and give you even more practical examples. You'll end up being like the Navy SEALs of flirting, so cool and professional, prepared, naturally confident and effective that you know you can handle any flirting, dating, or social situation to world class standards. There will be great supplemental and supporting material released on this channel at least once per week. The same material will be made available as the "Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting" podcast.
Join the conversation at these links, or comment below!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gentsguides
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gentsguides
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg2kbvrYHtbsWgcGOKtR5zA/

Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
112 - Being Proud
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
In a couple prior episodes, I mentioned that I wanted you to conduct yourself in a way in this pandemic that when you look back, you will be proud of everything you did over the whole duration of it. You’ll be proud of how you conducted yourself at every step. I still mean every word of that suggestion, but I feel like I need to expand on how I think about having a sense of pride more broadly.
Background: Book's website: Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting (due for release on Amazon.com in early 2021 - https://gentlemensguidetoflirting.com/
Consider the book your complete textbook. The content on this channel and the podcast is all free and is intended to expand upon the book, and give you even more practical examples. You'll end up being like the Navy SEALs of flirting, so cool and professional, prepared, naturally confident and effective that you know you can handle any flirting, dating, or social situation to world class standards. There will be great supplemental and supporting material released on this channel at least once per week. The same material will be made available as the "Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting" podcast.
Join the conversation at these links, or comment below!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gentsguides
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gentsguides
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg2kbvrYHtbsWgcGOKtR5zA/

Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
111 - Independent Thinking
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Independent thinking. What are you? Are you a democrat, republican, progressive, conservative, liberal, socialist, communist, right, left, or evangelical? Is that all that there is? Do you have to fit within these labels? Is there another way? What are you? Who are you? Please be careful about letting other people’s labels define you. I feel quite the opposite about the whole subject. In this week’s episode, I make the case for and, extol the virtues of, independent thinking.
Background: Book's website: Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting (due for release on Amazon.com in early 2021 - https://gentlemensguidetoflirting.com/
Consider the book your complete textbook. The content on this channel and the podcast is all free and is intended to expand upon the book, and give you even more practical examples. You'll end up being like the Navy SEALs of flirting, so cool and professional, prepared, naturally confident and effective that you know you can handle any flirting, dating, or social situation to world class standards. There will be great supplemental and supporting material released on this channel at least once per week. The same material will be made available as the "Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting" podcast.
Join the conversation at these links, or comment below!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gentsguides
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gentsguides
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg2kbvrYHtbsWgcGOKtR5zA/

Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
110 - Quitting
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
I recently was reading about how winter is when depression hits the largest number of people, and this is the first time in most of our lifetimes that we have been dealing with something like the pandemic over that normally gloomy winter period. So, some people out there are hurting more than normal due to everything that is going on out there, and some of those folks might be you, or someone you care about. So today I want to talk about this issue from a slightly different viewpoint. I want to talk about the idea of quitting under adversity.
Background: Book's website: Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting (due for release on Amazon.com in early 2021 - https://gentlemensguidetoflirting.com/
Consider the book your complete textbook. The content on this channel and the podcast is all free and is intended to expand upon the book, and give you even more practical examples. You'll end up being like the Navy SEALs of flirting, so cool and professional, prepared, naturally confident and effective that you know you can handle any flirting, dating, or social situation to world class standards. There will be great supplemental and supporting material released on this channel at least once per week. The same material will be made available as the "Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting" podcast.
Join the conversation at these links, or comment below!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gentsguides
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gentsguides
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg2kbvrYHtbsWgcGOKtR5zA/

Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
109 - Respect
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Tuesday Dec 17, 2024
Respect. Genuine respect. Today I want to talk about how key, how crucial, paying respect is to success in your process of meeting and connecting with great women. I mean showing respect to the lady. I mean showing respect to her family and friends.
Background: Book's website: Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting (due for release on Amazon.com in early 2021 - https://gentlemensguidetoflirting.com/
Consider the book your complete textbook. The content on this channel and the podcast is all free and is intended to expand upon the book, and give you even more practical examples. You'll end up being like the Navy SEALs of flirting, so cool and professional, prepared, naturally confident and effective that you know you can handle any flirting, dating, or social situation to world class standards. There will be great supplemental and supporting material released on this channel at least once per week. The same material will be made available as the "Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting" podcast.
Join the conversation at these links, or comment below!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gentsguides
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gentsguides
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg2kbvrYHtbsWgcGOKtR5zA/

Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
108 - Handling Conflict
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Tuesday Dec 10, 2024
Handling Conflict. Conflicts, disagreements and disputes are part of life, and always will be, no matter who you are, how much money you have, or what you situation is in life. How to best handle conflict, anger, and disagreement using key principles from the book is what we dig into in this week’s episode.
Background: Book's website: Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting (due for release on Amazon.com in January 2021 - https://gentlemensguidetoflirting.com/
Consider the book your complete textbook. The content on this channel and the podcast is all free and is intended to expand upon the book, and give you even more practical examples. You'll end up being like the Navy SEALs of flirting, so cool and professional, prepared, naturally confident and effective that you know you can handle any flirting, dating, or social situation to world class standards. There will be great supplemental and supporting material released on this channel at least once per week. The same material will be made available as the "Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting" podcast.
Join the conversation at these links, or comment below!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gentsguides
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gentsguides
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg2kbvrYHtbsWgcGOKtR5zA/

Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
107 - Three Wins Per Day
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Women, and everyone, loves to see someone who is continuously improving, who is on a trajectory to good things in life. Women love it!!!
Background: Book's website: Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting (due for release on Amazon.com in January 2021 - https://gentlemensguidetoflirting.com/
Consider the book your complete textbook. The content on this channel and the podcast is all free and is intended to expand upon the book, and give you even more practical examples. You'll end up being like the Navy SEALs of flirting, so cool and professional, prepared, naturally confident and effective that you know you can handle any flirting, dating, or social situation to world class standards. There will be great supplemental and supporting material released on this channel at least once per week. The same material will be made available as the "Gentlemen's Guide to Flirting" podcast.
Join the conversation at these links, or comment below!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gentsguides
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gentsguides
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg2kbvrYHtbsWgcGOKtR5zA/